Automated Chain of Title

Properties are automatically linked to deeds, leases, wills, appraisement and other related records.

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Grantor Grantee Index

You can search by party, record types, legal descriptions in multiple counties.

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Drilling Records

Parcel data includes oil, gas and NGL production history.

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Tax Maps, Filters and More

Hundreds of parcel, tax and drilling filters to narrow down your searches.

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County Records Not Available Yet

Currently we don't have any grantor/grantee records for this county. This includes the record indexes for deeds, tax liens and oil & gas leases. We hope to have these records available soon. You can still search for parcel information, wells, permits and well completions below.

Putnam County WV Property Records

Search for Putnam county West Virginia property records using filters like property ID, county, district, grantor, grantee, creditor, debtor, land use code, tax class, property class, acreage, land value, building value, appraisal, deed book page, map number, parcel number, property owner and address.
